Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I'm currently at the Thunder Bay Boys and Girls club at a student computer.  It's 2:17am and we're pulling an all nighter because otherwise we'd have to get up at 3:45am to get to the airport on time.  We spent last night at a place 30 minutes out of town called Taiga Ventures.  It was this one-of-kind  "conference centre" that this really interesting man had built himself.  It was over 1600 square feet and could seat 70 people.  He built it off the grid and out of town because his wife (who is very nice and has pet lorikeets that spoke to us) has multiple chemical allergies and can't function well in urban areas.  I don't know the entire concept of the building but I'm just going to say it is a work of engineering genius.

  Our last day of work was on Friday and since then we've been packing and cleaning the house spotless and surprising we haven't done any crying.  Yesterday and today were our "debriefing" days for the last 3 months.  We all had to do different activities and what not, and thankfully it didn't feel at all like school but in fact very relaxing and reflective.  Tomorrow will be the last time I see Sarah my program leader and I will also meet a new one in Quebec, her name is Valerie and she doesn't speak a lot of English.  One bonus - in Quebec I get French lessons so perhaps I will pick up a bit more.

I've decided that because I've just been giving a timeline of things I should probably start recording my fun stories and exciting encounters because that really is where the juice is.

Stories to come, very soon, as I'm not going to bed tonight, remember?
love you

1 comment:

  1. Ahh the final night. Good times haha.
    Getting ready to leave was really weird...I miss Sarah. Sometimes. But I really like Valerie, so its all good.

    Pretty sure I was sitting beside you when you were writing this.
