Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The tale of the arresting of Scott Creechan

Scott Creechan is a lovely fellow.  He stands at probably 6 foot and is as lanky as shoelace liquorice.  He is a gentle soul with little need for violence and zero experience with any sort of gang violence, street fighting and or encounters with police of any kind.

On September 15, 2010 Scott Creechan was arrested while in the presence of 6 police cars, one bomb squad vehicle, a swat team and 6 other very anxious Katimavik volunteers in downtown Thunder Bay.


All facts of this story are entirely true and for the sake of cutting to the chase and not souping things up I will cut to the chase and not soup things up.

Picture a scenic village, or if you've been here just picture Thunder Bay.  The city is split into what used to be two different townships - Port Arthur and Fort William.  Some time ago a very smart man said "Gee, why are we all being so stupid and having two municipalities when we could just have one big municipality?" and thus, Innercity (or, Intercity) was created which joined the two cities in cohabitation.  Innercity is basically a big strip full of big box store names and shopping destinations.  And a movie theatre.  (which we eventually visited for the viewing of Harry Potter the 7th part 1 on November the 20th.)

Keep this movie theatre in mind, for it plays a key role in this story.

Our group of 11 had been split up into groups or 3/4 for what our Project Coordinator informed us was a "photo scavenger hunt".  In fact it was and it fact I had good fun on this little excursion.  It was when I arrived home that I heard of the ultimate consequences of tampering with good fun.

Scott's group was in Inner city (my group at this time was already comfortably seated on a bus which would take us home) when the shenanigans went down.  I have heard this story so many times I feel like I was there and I can picture everything up until the arrest.  I will tell it like I have been told.

Three days before our photo scavenger hunt there had been a murder quite close to our house, just a mere block and a half away actually.  A week before that there had been a murder on the other side of town involving two young people of the Canadian-Indian variety.  Needless to say, the cops and the entire city were aware and probably on the lookout for more illegal business.

The movie theatre sits on the other side of a quaint little bridge on the edge of Innercity.  After coming out of Innercity mall Scott's group met up with the other group on the scavenger hunt and they began travelling together.  As he was crossing a lawn on the way to the bridge Scott Creechan found a beautiful piece of craftsmanship.  A plastic wonder for a young boy, if you please!  It was a toy gun, the type I am not so sure of but please know that it was enough of a gun to qualify for a real gun.  Scott jokingly swung the gun around on his finger as though he was a real gun-slinging old west chap and crossed the bridge with his friends on the way to the Movie Theatre (a destination on the map of scavenge).

On the other side of the bridge Mr. Creechan gave the gun one last shine on his possibly dirty jeans and tossed it onto the grass on the other side, not wishing to carry it with him on public transit.  The group had reached a gymnasium just on the other side of the movie theatre and got the correct information from inside.  Literally no more than 8 minutes after crossing the bridge with the toy gun Scott and pals were leaving the parking lot of the gymnasium when cop cars came from every direction, closely followed by a bomb squad car.  (at least, that is what we figure. It looked like a bomb squad car but it did not SAY it was a bomb squad car.. gotta keep the facts straight, oui.)

Innercity is of course in the middle of the city.  It was just after lunch hour.  There had been recent murders.  Thunder Bay has cops.  These somewhat obvious facts all lead to multiple cops being very quick to get to a common area.  Although no one really got a chance to talk with the cops what we figure is someone called in the "sighting" or another peace officer saw it and called it in.  At any rate, young Mr. Creechan was arrested.  I will continue.

Scott was told to "drop his weapon!" several times in what I'm sure was an assertive tone and was promptly put in handcuffs and stuffed into a waiting police car.  The rest of the group decided it would be a brilliant time to get on the phone to our Project Coordinator, Alexa, the lady who put us on this marvellous adventure and who was monitoring us for the day because... dun da da dunnn.. our project leader was out of town for the day!!! BRILLIANT!!

After some vigorous questions and yelling the police finally allowed Scott to explain himself and Alexa showed up after they had released him.  By this time there was only two officers and cars left because the rest of the lovely policemen had realized there was no need for them to be there as there was no immediate danger.  Scott was reduced to tears, quite understandably.

Upon arriving home my group found Alexa in the driveway taking our sick Sam to the doctor and as Scott was so shocked he was going with them.  We exchanged a few words and Alexa said she'd be back soon and we'd all talk.  Right, okay.  Normal enough.

We went inside and 7 people informed us that Scott had been arrested.  The fact that this event was matched with a SWAT team and a bomb squad made it ridiculously hard to believe it could be true.  In fact I made Jessie pinky swear she would do my chores for the next two weeks if they were telling lies.  Obviously, they weren't.  But I had a hard time believing it until I got home and I still have a hard time believing that our sweet little Scott Creechan would ever be arrested.

Hope that was a fun read.  Sorry it's taken so long to write down!


I'm currently at the Thunder Bay Boys and Girls club at a student computer.  It's 2:17am and we're pulling an all nighter because otherwise we'd have to get up at 3:45am to get to the airport on time.  We spent last night at a place 30 minutes out of town called Taiga Ventures.  It was this one-of-kind  "conference centre" that this really interesting man had built himself.  It was over 1600 square feet and could seat 70 people.  He built it off the grid and out of town because his wife (who is very nice and has pet lorikeets that spoke to us) has multiple chemical allergies and can't function well in urban areas.  I don't know the entire concept of the building but I'm just going to say it is a work of engineering genius.

  Our last day of work was on Friday and since then we've been packing and cleaning the house spotless and surprising we haven't done any crying.  Yesterday and today were our "debriefing" days for the last 3 months.  We all had to do different activities and what not, and thankfully it didn't feel at all like school but in fact very relaxing and reflective.  Tomorrow will be the last time I see Sarah my program leader and I will also meet a new one in Quebec, her name is Valerie and she doesn't speak a lot of English.  One bonus - in Quebec I get French lessons so perhaps I will pick up a bit more.

I've decided that because I've just been giving a timeline of things I should probably start recording my fun stories and exciting encounters because that really is where the juice is.

Stories to come, very soon, as I'm not going to bed tonight, remember?
love you

Sunday, November 21, 2010

So the countdown begins..

I have nine days left in Thunder Bay.  My flight to Montreal (via Toronto) leaves at 6am on December 1st. Thank God we are travelling as a pack this time around because my first round of flights to get to Thunder Bay were very long and boring.

This past week has been great. I was house manager with Millie and we had such a good time making meals and bread and cleaning the house it didn't feel like work at all.  My second boss is in Cuba right now and my new boss started last week so I'm also thankful to have successfully avoided the first week mayhem minus one.

The group has spent lots of time this past week preparing for our final party, as a thank you to those we've met while in Thunder Bay.  It's been a pretty quiet week otherwise.. lots of free time and lots of time at the Canada Games complex!! YAY.

Last Sunday we went kickboxing at a jiu jitsu studio with a guy named Matt and his insane children.  We were supposed to have a class this Sunday as well but he had to cancel so we went to a make up class on Tuesday with the rest of his normal students.  It was really sweet to have more people there but the one on Tuesday was less of a workout which was unfortunate.

Yesterday (Saturday) we manned a Salvation Army kettle in shifts.  Jessie, Martin, Julien and I were obviously the best with our beautiful serenading of passersby but I think collectively we raised a lot of money.  It also helped that it was outside of a liquor store. ;)

Today we helped Alexa and her boyfriend move to a house they just bought.  Alexa is our Project Coordinator so she is like our project leader's boss, and although she is in charge of three Katimavik groups in Northern Ontario we know we are her favourite. :)  Her new house is beautiful and they treated us to pizza for lunch as a thank you, but it didn't feel like work.  It's going to be sad to leave without spending more time with people like Alexa.

We have so much packing to do and a lot to get ready for the group we are switching houses with.  Their group has 4 vegetarians so that makes meals much harder to make for our meat loving group and a little bit more expensive, but c'est la vie!  They have the same challenge with all of our allergies.

I have nothing more to report really.  I have really enjoying living here and it has gone by too fast. :(
Quebec shall be a fun adventure.
au revoir

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Photographic Update!

A variety of photos - enjoy!

Eric's old bike photo - 72 hours off

crew on the river - 72 hours off


Our petite chambre

Hiking up Mt. McKay

Hiking down Mt. McKay

Murder Mystery Night - Sam was the killer.

Sam giving out the love at dogsledding (Novemer 9th)
There were 42 husky-cross dogs (all of whom were completely adorable) and we got to harness them, rope them up and ride in a golf cart which they pulled.  The owner, Paul, bought a few packs of Iditarod Trail dogs and has kept them in prime racing condition.  It was the best way to make up for 3 months of no canine company.

Terry Fox Monument on the clearest day of November

A piece of Lake Superior coast line

plucking a grouse - delicious

I hope this is enough to satisfy all the promises I have made.  I am getting much better at uploading more frequently.  

A small update:

I came home to the Katimavik house a week ago.  My billeting period was %110 great, I could not have been paired with a better family.  Anthea and Scot took my sightseeing, fed me great food, taught me new card games, let me drive their car, took me to get my hair cut and made my brain hurt with intense philosophical conversations.  It was a vacation that was definitely needed.  The sauna with Siggy and friends was excellent and would definitely be a killer warm up after a long day of skiing.  Note to Dad: build sauna.  

On Tuesday the group went dogsledding! see picture above.  As mentioned there were 42 beautiful dogs  who would greet us by jumping up to our chests and whimpering.  Paul is racing this winter down in the states and is in the process of training different teams of dogs. We went on a 5km ride and it was so neat watching them gear up and down the hills.  The dogs at the back would start to pull and twitch at the ropes and get the dogs in front of them fired up and so on up the line of 12 dogs.  Definitely something I will be doing again, and something I highly recommend.

Wednesday we went to play "goalball" at a school in Fort William (which as it turns out.. is NOT the ghetto end of town.)  It was a game invented after WWII when returning veterans who were blind needed games to play.  Two teams of three use a ball (with a bell inside) to score points.  You are blindfolded and put into a ring of rope which helps you orient yourself.  The objective is to roll the ball past the opposing team and to stop any balls rolled to your end of the court.

Fairly simply game right?

Not at all.  Difficult to start out with, but by the time you've played a few games it got a lot easier and your sense of hearing was heightened immensely.  

Friday and Saturday we drove an hour out of town and spent time at Tenkula farms, owned by a woman named Lisa who breeds Tennessee Walking horses.  We stayed the night in her hay barn and the temperature dropped to at least negative 7.  It was fun times!  Snuggling was a mandatory activity on this excursion and we made little hay cabins to sleep in.  The ride was great, Dalandrea's horse and my horse were egging each other on and both of them would not stop jumping.  I think I took flight 6 times during the ride.  Dalandrea fell off, horse riding - not her cup of tea. Turns out they were the only two horse that weren't Tennessee Walkers (whaaaat luck) so their pace isn't as quick.  To compensate they were trotting and jumping all over the freaking place to keep up.  Also, mine had a cut leg, thus lacked the capacity to walk through mud without freaking out.  Hence the jumping. I still had a ridiculously good time.  Finnish pancakes for breakfast!

This week my new boss starts, but unfortunately I won't be spending time at The Arthritis Society. I am house manager again this week, this time with Millie!  Should be fun times, we're making Colombian food as Millie is from Colombia.

oh hey, look at this.


Monday, November 1, 2010


Forgot to mention!
Sarah's friend Ooysem took our group curling last Monday night.  I seriously enjoyed curling and we are trying to do it again as a group.. but it's hard because it's HUGE here in Tbay.  Here, I'll put a picture up cause I'm GREAT at blogging now.

please check out Michelle's Italy blog, she is hilarious.
I miss this girl.

okay ta ta !

So Fast

Many things have happened since my long post below. Many things. But please understand these things happen fast and then they make me tired so I go to bed instead of blogging about these things.

These things include:
Hiking (up the one mountain Thunder Bay possesses)
Cake Making and birthday celebrations
Attending Shows
Making lots of food
Becoming caffeine reliant
Update on the French

I will try my very hardest to cover EVERYTHING.

Hiking started out with our entire group leaving late. We packed a stupid amount of food and loaded ourselves into the van about 4 times before we finally left.  The first part of the hike was SUPER steep. At one point the mountain was a ski hill with a lift and everything but now it just has crazy steep 4 wheelers tracks all over it.  After the initial altitude gaining hill it's a pretty nice hike, a little bit of scree and a little bit of dirt paths, but for the most part we just wandered all over the mountain.  It is necessary to cover all sides of a mountain this size in order to get a good work out because up and down takes about 1/2 an hour each way.
We ate some lunch at the top and took pictures and made Petra super mom-nervous by going really close to the edge of large cliffs. Thanks guys..
On the way down we literally found ourselves in the cross fire of a game of paintball.. no injuries though.
After our hike we went back to Gale and Volker's house for chilli and we watched the rest of K2, which we started on Thanksgiving. Funny, funny movie. I don't recommend it.

Eric (our baby) turned 18 on October 23rd.  I made him a 5 layer chocolate cake from scratch, icing included.  Sam decorated it with gummy bears we stole from Dalandrea.  We got him a sassy fedora also. I love Eric. I will put a picture up. I promise. I'm just not on my own computer right now.

Attending shows. Last Monday we went to a Magic show.  We got free tickets from the Salvation Army.  Really nothing much to say.  Sometimes there's a reason things are free.  Sometimes I should check what age group things are intended for. Magic sucks without cool lights.

We also went to Fierce Light, but I posted that below so check it out!

We had our billet family BBQ last Tuesday. We made a TON of food and accommodated.. way too many people for our little house to handle.  A week before we called in the local paper to promote us; they photographed us and Sam and I did an interview, which was great because the reporter was a fine specimen of a man. 
Basically the idea of billeting is to give you a break from the whole program and everyone you live with, as we are literally packed into that house. (I'm on the bottom bunk these days, Sophie and I switched) 
I started billeting last Friday.
I live with a couple named Anthea and Scot and they are really sweet.  We live 40 minutes out of town.  Anthea and I drive in every morning around 8 because she works at the university as a student advisor (I know, SCORE!) and Scot works at home restoring canoes and building things with his carpenter skills. They have 3 kids who have all left home so I share the top floor with their grumpy 18 year old cat who licks my feet.
This weekend they took me everywhere I haven't been here yet. 

I FINALLY SAW THE TERRY FOX MEMORIAL!! pictures definitely will be up soon, bear with me. (Anthea and Scot don't have wireless)

Then we went to Sleeping Giant park and walked around the cottage area.  People here are in love with their cottages, which they actually call camps. We also ran into lots of deer which are more or less tame. Pictures, I promise! We also went to a little camping/touristy spot near their house called Kekebeka Falls, it was very pretty.

On Saturday night I stayed in town with their daughter who is a 3rd year at Lakehead.  Her and her crazy roommates took me to a Halloween party which I wish I could remember more of.  We didn't stay long. Tonight they are taking me to Kanga Sauna.  It's a Finnish tradition to do group saunas and by the sounds of it a Thunder Bay drinking tradition.  I'll update on this one soon!

I drink coffee, daily.  I drink coffee and I don't have massive anxiety reactions or the desire to DO EVERYTHING WITH LOTS OF EFFICIENCY!  I drink coffee and I like it, and it appears to like me back.  I should probably not blog about this as it has zero point or affect, but I find it strange that I of all people now drink coffee. Okay, I'm over it now. Ignore this.

I came home on Wednesday of last week to find an unfamiliar face in my house.  I said hello to him nonetheless and then reached for a piece of celery which my beautiful house managers Sam and Martin had prepared for their working children. 

There was a lizard on my piece of celery.

Gabe (that's the guy, not the lizard) has a pet gecko.  I can't remember the gecko's name because I kept referring to him as Geico and speaking in an Australian accent to him. He was such a champ. Gabe was part of the program a year ago and lived in our house. He was driving back home to Quebec from Calgary where he had not be successful with finding work.  He had a really cool tattoo of a snake around a half-moon which was symbolic of his ADHD.  Best of luck Gabe, I hope you find work.

Last night was Halloween and Eric called me.  He's staying out of town too but in the other direction; he lives on a farm with a girl named Marcel who taught us how to make bread when we first got here.  Her and her boyfriend have a few animals but mostly they grow food to sell and contribute to the slow food trend that is growing quickly around the area.  Eric skinned a deer this weekend. I was extremely jealous. UNTIL...
Scot went out and shot a grouse and let me pluck it! I really don't know how to describe how strange it felt to be pulling feathers out of a bird that was still warm in my hands but had no tail feathers or head.  Pictoral evidence will come for this too, you bet!

is going well for the most part.  I'm wondering how fluent one can possibly get when all they say is "Ce quoi ________ au francais?"
Progress is progress though, but for the sake of measuring goals I'll say I'm at a 3 out of 5 on understanding and a 2 out of 5 with reiteration.

Okay, pictures soon!

ps. Comment section below does not require an account! Say hello to me! I want to hear from you!
pps. Hi Mum :)