Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thus, now

Hi Hi,
This week has gone by super quickly.  Tomorrow I start my new job at the Arthritis Society.  I will be in the office doing a lot of promotional stuff and a lot of things on the computer by the sounds of it.  My boss was very excited during my interview so I'm pretty stoked to go to work tomorrow - never has that really happened before!  I'll only be working there for 10 weeks in total but the change of pace is going to be great.
  Today we went on a picture scavenger hunt all over Thunder Bay - rode the bus a lot - my team won because we are awesome and made it all the way to the other side of town to city hall.
We had a bread making workshop tonight so now our freezer is seriously jam packed with a ton of bread which is good because we literally eat enough of it a day to feed a small African nation for a month.
Our house is very close to Lakehead University so we sort of live in the student district.  We also live right around the corner from the Canada Games Complex which has a sweet gym and a swimming pool; I think I will be spending a lot of time there and probably a substantial portion of my $3/day budget.
I really need to figure out how to use my Mac so I can get my photos up on here, Canon software is just darn tricky.
Our house is looking into getting a Katimapet, a fish to be name Giles I believe.  Giles probably won't be that stoked on flying to Nicolet come December though.
Good Night


  1. Petra - download a cope of Picassa from - it will make your photo management a breeze and you don't need to fight Mr Canon at all.

  2. Oh look! ^ I'm not the only one who reads your blog :)
    Hooray for scavenger hunts...and police hahah.
    Giles turnd into two fish named Sumi and Mercedes. Funny.
